The Main Gate
Mega Man Legends Fan Art Gallery

Teisel's Most Wanted Present

Teisel's Most Wanted Present

Artist's Comments
This was done for the Secret Santa Art Exchange on the Legends Station Forums. The prompts I received were "Teisel's Most Wanted Present" & "Redesign of the Cardon Ruins," which were not easy to combine. The event also challenges you to do something outside your artistic comfort zone, so I went with a stylized storyboard effect. There's also an animated version on YouTube.

Completed: 2013/12/22 || Image Specs: 1280x6480, 3MB || Views: 803
#2013 #styleBrush #styleSketchy #character #groupBonne #teisel #servbot #machine #airship #bonnemech #location #islandKattelox #gift