The Main Gate
Mega Man Legends Fan Art Gallery

iScribble 2011 January-May

iScribble 2011 January-May

Artist's Comments
Drawings collected from multiple iScribble sessions done between January and May of 2011. This showcases the start of the Amelia trend, in which I would draw absurdly-styled renditions of her saying "nice to meet you" in many situations or to other peoples' drawings. Don't ask me why... Note, I don't believe I drew both Barrett and Aero. I may have done both, but I feel like one was already on the canvas, and I added the other (I can't recall which) and the text between them.

Completed: 2011/05/01 || Image Specs: 700x1000, 332KB || Views: 12
#2011 #styleOnline #character #groupCaskett #megaman #data #groupBonne #teisel #bon #barrett #aero #amelia #reaverbot